
SecuriDrone Fortress Go

Mobile System for Drone Detection and Defense

SecuriDrone Fortress Go

Mobile System for Drone Detection and Defense

Always looking up to the sky

SecuriDrone Fortress Go offers unique possibilities for mobile and self-sufficient drone security (detection and defense against Unmanned Aerial Systems UAS). The multi-sensor system is easy to operate. Functional deployment is possible in the shortest possible time, as is dismantling after a mission.

Our SecuriDrone Fortress Go is as mobile and individual as our range for your specific application. Developed for temporary use, our range includes leasing or rental models in addition to the purchase option.

The mobile unit is powered either via a 230 VAC connection or via the power generator supplied. In the event of a power failure, the integrated UPS takes over the power supply for up to 4 hours.

SecuriDrone Fortress Go

Drone detection made easy

Alarm messages can be received in the operations center. SecuriDrone Fortress Go is equipped with a complete operations center. Two monitors visualize site plans and live camera images.

In the event of identification, an acoustic alarm signal sounds and the necessary information is visualized by means of corresponding displays in the site plan. The system records the data of all alarms, both the movement tracking on the site plan and the corresponding video streams. All recordings can be filtered and evaluated at any time according to the relevant criteria.


SecuriDrone Fortress Go Overview

  • Unique 3D UAS detection and tracking solution
  • RF cyber takeover technology (geofence & landing in safe zone)
  • Detection of almost all drones
  • Detection and defense against swarms of drones
  • Friend-foe differentiation
  • Video-based detection and tracking
  • Alarm management and logging
  • Reconnaissance via Record & Play
  • 3D alarm zones with workflows
  • Multi-sensor portfolio (RF cyber, RF, radar, optics)
  • Integration of sensors and effectors for every need
  • Highly scalable system - suitable for any application
  • Systems for ranges of up to 14 km (airport even up to 50 km)
  • Mobile solution with operations center
  • In addition to purchase and rental, other financing models are also possible
  • Made in Germany


Please contact us

E-Mail: partner@securiton.de


Please contact us

Phone: +49 7841 62230

Contact persons