
Upgrade Service

Upgrade Service

Always up-to-date with the IPS Upgrade Service

IPS Intelligent Video Software offers with its IPS Upgrade Concept free access to developments and future innovations for IPS VideoManager and IPS VideoAnalytics software. Partners and their customers can therefore benefit from a high level of availability, cutting-edge technology and protection of their investment in the long term.

IPS Upgrade Konzept


Updates to the technology used in video applications are currently being developed and released at a considerable pace. Such updates can be fantastic opportunities for partners and their customers, but they can also involve some risks. 

New hardware and software products enable additional functions to be installed in video surveillance systems and therefore increase their efficiency and effectiveness for both integrators and users. 

In order to repair or expand existing units as and when required, video surveillance systems must be kept up-to-date with cutting-edge technology; otherwise new hardware and software cannot be integrated optimally. This may endanger the availability and reliability of the video surveillance system as a whole.

Regular upgrade of video management and video analytics software enables new functions to be incorporated and the integration of new hardware and software to run smoothly. Partners and their customers will therefore not only enjoy a high level of system availability and reliability, but also long-term investment protection. 


The IPS VideoManager, IPS Analytics Manager and IPS VideoAnalytics are calculated per software version with fixed prices for all upgrade licences.The upgrade itself includes free availability of all hotfixes, patches and service packs associated to the upgrade version ordered.


An IPS Upgrade may only be conducted or ordered for the complete system. 


All hotfixes, service packs, updates and upgrades are available on a secure server for easy downloading and installation.


  • Availability of updates and upgrades
  • Integration of new functions
  • Integration of new hardware (e.g. cameras, etc.)
  • Compatibility with new software (e.g. operating systems, etc.)
  • High level of availability and security
  • Cost transparency and investment protection


For questions concerning services and conditions of the Upgrade Concept, please contact ips@securiton.de

Please contact us

E-Mail: partner@securiton.de


Please contact us

Phone: +49 7841 62230

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