
Data centres

Data centres

Protect your data centres from break-ins

In the finance or insurance sector, for example, the use of data centers is common.  Designed for the constant operation of IT devices, these company-critical facilities must be protected against external influences.  Protection against theft and accidental or deliberate manipulation of hardware is essential here.  After all, there is a lot of powerful hardware in one place.  As an IT security officer, you have the task of taking care of the security of these values.  IPS provides you with optimal support for surveillance with video security systems.  Thanks to intelligent video analytics, you will receive an alarm in real time in the event of suspicious events and, for example, you can convict a perpetrator before he or she commits a crime.

IPS solutions for your safety

Protect your facilities against attacks - with our IP-based video management software

IPS VideoManager

IPS VideoManager for live observation or also for recording and later image evaluation. 

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IPS VideoAnalytics 

With  the IPS Loitering Detection video analytics you get an alarm if people  dwell in an entrance area for a suspiciously long time.

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IPS Benefits

  • For more than 50 years, IPS has been accompanying security-critical facilities in the high-security area.
  • Intelligent video surveillance from IPS protects against potentially dangerous situations.
  • Your employees and business partners get a better feeling of security.
  • Your security staff receives an early warning if, for example, people enter, leave or remain in a defined area for a certain period of time 
  • The recorded images support the investigation of vandalism, theft, attacks, etc.
  • The high resolution of the IPS VideoManager increases the crime solution rate.
  • The architecture of the software is clear and user-friendly.
  • Installation and configuration of the system are simple


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Please contact us

E-Mail: partner@securiton.de


Please contact us

Phone: +49 7841 62230

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