
SecuriDrone RF-Cyber Long-Range

When greater ranges are needed

When it comes to stationary surveillance of an extensive area, the one-of-a-kind SecuriDrone RF Cyber Long-Range shows what it can do. Ideal areas of use are airports, extensive infrastructure areas, and border sectors with their varied threat potential.


  • No disturbance of other navigation and communications systems thanks to next-gen RF Cyber technology
  •  Extension of the directed coverage sector through certified, IP65-conforming ultra broadband antenna units with IP67-conforming Wi-Fi antenna.
  • Easy to install mount bracket on which the direction sensor will be secured 
  • Designed for extreme weather conditions 
  • Complete scope of service with multipolar broadband HF cable, which connects the SDR processing unit with the stationary antenna and the GPS connection
  • Seamless integration in the SecuriDrone Perimeter Management System
Technical data
Weight and dimensions   12,8 kg, 39 x 52 x 12 cm (SDR)
40 kg, 90 x 115 x 181 cm (antenna)
Antenna Array Elements   4 x Ultra-wide-band antenna
4 x Dual-band Wi-Fi 2,4/5,8 GHz antenna
1 x GPS-antenna      
Antenna coverage angle EL   AZ
UWM antenna (3 db) 50°   60°
WiFi antenna (6 db) 2,4 GHz to 35°
5,8 GHz bei 20°
  2,4GHz to 75°
5,8GHz bei 30°   
Radio conformity   Antenna - IP65
SDR - IP66
Operating temperature   -30 °C to +50 °C        

Please contact us

E-Mail: partner@securiton.de


Please contact us

Phone: +49 7841 62230

Contact persons