
IPS Tamper Detection

Reliably detects sabotage on surveillance cameras

IPS Tamper Detection

Reliably detects sabotage on surveillance cameras

IPS Tamper Detection

Intelligent video analytics to protect your surveillance camera

IPS Tamper Detection is an intelligent video analytics module for real-time alerting of attempted camera tampering, especially in critical infrastructures. Like IPS Sabotage Detection, it detects covering, redirecting, spraying and blinding of the camera. But it detects even more: defocusing, misting and concealing. On the basis of permanent image evaluations, it continuously checks the state of the camera and thus allows the immediate identification of the slightest deviations. This means that subtle disturbances and attempts at manipulation are detected quickly and precisely, which significantly increases detection reliability in the monitored area. It is easy to install and configure and suitable for indoor and outdoor applications.

IPS Tamper Detection offers the following:

  • Real-time alerting of attempted camera tampering.
  • Tamper detection of defocusing, misting, concealing, redirecting, spraying and blinding of cameras
  • Video image analysis based on machine learning technologies guarantees low false alarm rate
  • Activity recognition, objects are detected and tracked
  • Separate configuration of alarm zones for different types of manipulation
  • Setting of object sizes, object directions, object distances, object speeds, object dwell times, perspectives and application variants
  • Configuration to detect defocusing, sabotage, clouds of smoke

Particularly suitable for

Petrochemical ++ Power generation ++ Power distribution ++ Nuclear facilities ++ Military facilities ++ Water supply

Your Benefits

Protecting the availability of video surveillance systems in critical infrastructures

Immediate and reliable detection of tampering attempts

Perfect complement to our video analytics module IPS Outdoor Detection to expand your protection concept

Intuitive installation and configuration


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E-Mail: partner@securiton.de


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Phone: +49 7841 62230

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